Monthly Archives: October 2016

Michael Moore On Trump

When you have Michael Moore a dyed in the wool leftist endorsing Trump as the anti establishment candidate you really have to step back and take stock of the situation, But hear his speech here, so succinct and speaking volumes more than the words he says. This is why so many people will be voting Trump. Ignore what you are seeing in the  media manipulated polls, as many as 9 in 10 voters will be voting Trump. Look at the rallies, Trump routinely amassing crowds in the tens of thousands, compared to Hillary’s few hundred. Trump is the most ‘occupy’ candidate that has been seen in decades, we just have to hope that this isn’t just a ruse to sell ‘Make America Great Again’ baseball caps.

Please be aware that there has been attempts to rig several part of the electoral process, particularly by individuals connected to the Hillary campaign, and there likely will be in the election next week. The extent of the election irregularities and how the public will react to them are difficult to predict. In America’s  war of Independence only 3% of the general population felt strongly enough to fight, yet that was enough to beat the  professional soldiers of one of the worlds largest empires. It’s going to be an interesting few weeks.


WaterSeer Vs reality

You just have to marvel at the audacity of people these days. Its almost like we have been transported back to the wild west with snake oil salesmen traveling from one tumbleweed town to the next. The true irony is despite being more connected and having more access to communication and information the any people in history, basic ignorance seem all to common.  Enter WaterSeer and slickly marketed invention will all the hallmarks for being the right solution to serious problem, except its not and it can’t work as claimed. Remember today ‘scientists’ will try to claim global warming is caused by CO2 and we must turn off everything except in the third world where the dirtiest energy is used to stop it. This is likely how Berkeley is part of this sham, just write them a cheque and ride on their coat tails, or rather the coat tails of all the hard working  academics and students of decades past.

Oops, better retract some of this claim and have some damage control.

Or get TIME magazine to add some spin.

Hard to argue for the gadget when a bucket is ten times better. Its nice to know some people are paying attention.

Triggleymuzz saga part 2


Then comes the censorship for wrongthink.

5 year anniversary


On a Saturday not to dissimilar to this it all began in city square. Think back for yourself, what has changed for you and what changes have you noticed around you? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Gay marriage is racist


Let that sink in for a bit, all the lefties constantly bleating about everyone else being a ‘racist’ and now one of their hot button Cultural Marxism issues turns out to be racist! I can see the mental back flips right now, squirming in cognitive dissonance.

US Democrats vote rigging

Vote rigging systematic in US democratic party, lack of Voter ID laws means illegal immigrants can vote multiple times whereas law abiding citizens can vote only once.



Trump vs Clinton Second debate




Sex and Lefty Logic


Pepe Vs Everyone






And now lefties are seeing frogs everywhere, maybe they are just insane.




Some absolute gold  YouTube comments, really easy to point out the hypocrisy.

Gets angry about a shirt, but doesn’t want people to get angry about her hijab…
Oh My, i hope she’s not a muslim! her make up, groomed eyebrows, speaking to an unrelated male, visible hair, use of coarse speech and drawing attention to herself publicly is TOTALLY HARAAM!